
SeeBoundless operates as a for-profit, independent storytelling studio. Our work reflects the highest standards in storytelling ethics. When working for journalistic organizations we follow the code of ethics of the National Press Photographers Association and the Society of Professional Journalists and are members of both organizations.

As an independent storytelling studio, SeeBoundless works with a variety of clients in news organizations, non-profits, corporations and foundations. We believe it is necessary to have a diverse client base in order to ethically produce stories and not rely on a single funder to influence all of our work.

A walking tour of Copenhagen during an educational trip sponsored by The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.


Our client work is met with the same standards as our editorial work. With each project, we ensure that there is no conflict of interest or perceived conflict of interest by our funders and clients. We will clearly state who funded a particular story, why it was funded and the goals/outcomes of the funded project. New clients are vetted and accepted by SeeBoundless based on their work to create social good.



In every story we share, SeeBoundless will clearly state on this website where the content was published and who paid for it. We want to avoid conflicts of interest or even the perception of a conflict of interest and take each story's integrity seriously. We don't hide sponsored or paid content. We embrace alternative methods of revenue in storytelling and believe that with the right relationships we can share stories of the highest standards without negative interference from sources, funders and advertisers.


Conflicts of Interest

To ensure SeeBoundless is free from conflicts of interest in our journalism stories, we do not cover our clients . We won't work on a story for a new organization on a client we have done paid work with or plan do paid work with. We believe there is an absolute wall between paid and editorial work and will fully disclose our client list at any request from a news organization.